Тамбовщина - сердце России


Presentation of Tambov region

Presentation of Tambov region

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Tambov region


Tambov region is a real heart of Russia. It is beautiful place, where rich history is closely interwoven with culture, where springs and shady forests change into boundless steppes.

Tourism in Tambov region is a good chance to visit sites, where such people as Rahmaninov S.V., Michurin I.V., Vernadskiy V.I., Gerasimov A.M. used to work and live. There you may feel Tambov hospitality, taste apples from Michurinsk, enjoy aroma of Tambov honey and drink clear, cold, spring's water.

Be assured that we are always glad to see you! If you choose tourism in Tambov rigion, you will get a sea of unforgettable impressions, you will undoubtedly see real Russia and be pleased with spending your time there.

The history of the Tambov region is the history of Dikoe Pole development, the history of battles and a peaceful agriculture, the history of the provincial center and cultural achievements, the history of the city which managed to preserve cultural and historical memory, the unique nature and, thus, to look ahead.

Presentation of Tambov region
Presentation of Tambov region
Presentation of Tambov region
Presentation of Tambov region
Presentation of Tambov region
Presentation of Tambov region
Presentation of Tambov region
Presentation of Tambov region
Presentation of Tambov region
Presentation of Tambov region
Presentation of Tambov region
Presentation of Tambov region